Neurologically focused


Our mission is to adjust, educate & empower families in our community through Optimal Health & Wellness.

Neurologically focused


Our mission is to adjust, educate & empower families in our community through Optimal Health & Wellness.

  Pediatric Chiropractic  

  Pediatric Chiropractic  


A child's nervous system is the controller and regulator of all the other systems in their growing body. From blood flow, to brain function and bone growth, the nervous system plays a central role in keeping things working and healthy. Stress and misalignment of the spine can have serious impacts on your child's overall health, behavior, and development.


As kids grow, they may start to develop bad posture. Sitting in front of a computer or TV can have serious repercussions on the spine. Playing contact sports, wearing heavy backpacks (most likely the wrong way), and even sitting in desks can all cause issues. As teenagers, they begin to deal with the stress of more daily responsibilities, like becoming part of the work force, and use their bodies to perform physical labor such as painting houses, serving tables, and the like.


It may be difficult to imagine that a child would need chiropractic care. They seldom complain of chronic pain the way adults do and they bounce back quickly from injury. The truth is, children's bodies are under a lot of stress while they are in a state of development and keeping them healthy requires maintenance.

Chiropractic care is a gentle and non-invasive method to correct underlying issues before they become hard-wired during development, providing support for a pain-free and successful childhood.

  Family Wellness  


The decisions we make and the actions we take every day affect our bodies and can slowly produce problems that may not show symptoms. What we eat, how we sit, the work that we do with our bodies, and even the way we emotionally react to a situation, can have long-term impacts on our wellness. This is because the bundle of nerves that sends messages to every other part of our body originates in our spinal column. When vertebrae become misaligned there are dozens of possible long-term impacts upon our health. Even if we don't feel sick, we may be in need of a little extra care to prevent daily activities from becoming more severe problems.


Health can be defined as the body functioning properly rather than just feeling good. You may not feel sick today, but if your nervous system is being impeded from sending messages to other organs and systems in the body, things may not be working as well as they could be. Through a regular wellness care program that works to restore spinal health and mobility, people often find that they have more energy and do not get sick as often. When the nervous system is functioning properly, the benefits are endless. Digestion, blood flow, lung capacity, heartbeat, skin tone, and overall mobility are just some of the body’s functions that are positively impacted by a spine that is properly aligned.


Chiropractic care works to keep the integrity of the nervous system intact and is an excellent choice as a part of a wellness care plan. Regular, gentle adjustments can ensure that the daily impacts of your life are not wearing your health down over time. By performing a thorough evaluation of your health history and current physical state, a chiropractor can help you detect problems before they develop into a more serious issue, keeping you at peak function and feeling great. Call to set up a consultation with our team at Optimal Health Chiropractic and start on the path of chiropractic wellness care today.

  Pregnancy Chiropractic  

Pregnancy Chiropractic  


The physical stress of pregnancy can lead to a great deal of discomfort. It's common for women to complain of low back pain, sciatica, leg cramps, constipation, and more while pregnant. This can lead to difficulty performing daily tasks as well as difficulties in labor.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy can be an outstanding source of relief for back pain and can help prepare the body for the laboring process.


During pregnancy, a woman’s body is undergoing a number of different changes to accommodate the growing baby. As the baby grows, a mother’s center of gravity shifts to the front of her pelvis, resulting in added stress and discomfort in the lower back and the various joints of the pelvis. At the peak of pregnancy, resulting from the associated weight gain, the curve in the lower back (lordotic curve) can increase to the point of causing serious impact on the vertebral joints, the sacrum, and the hip joints.


The nerves that travel to all other parts of the body have their origin in the spine. When the spine is compressed, these nerves can become irritated causing the pain to radiate to other areas of the body. Our office provides safe and effective personalized care throughout your pregnancy and in the postpartum period. There are specialized adjustment methods to accommodate pregnancy. A thorough examination will determine the best plan to address your discomfort and prepare the body for the height of pregnancy and childbirth. 

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